Using state-of-the-art equipment like fiber lasers and robotic technology, Byers Precision continues to follow our innovative roots.

Our Roots Date Back to 1942

right float placeholderIn 1942, Paul Byers opened a general sheet metal shop on 7th Avenue in Hendersonville, North Carolina.  Byers Sheet Metal Works quickly became one of the largest ductwork and roofing contractors in the state.  Many of the customers Paul Byers worked with during the early years remain loyal customers to this day. Eventually, the business was transitioned to Paul's son, Roger Byers, who led  Byers Precision Fabricators until his retirement in 2015.  Today, Byers Precision Fabricators is led by Paul's grandson, Anthony Byers. 

Our Future is Strong

byers building squareToday, Byers Precision Fabricators operates in a state-of-the-art 60,000 sq.ft. facility that is one of the most modern metal fabricators in the world.  The same unwaverting passion for a "clean shop" instilled by Paul, has become a mantra at the company today. 

Modern-day Byers Precision cuts, forms, mills, welds and finishes parts for a variety of industries that require extremely tight tolerances and inudstry-leading quality control.  We currently serve clients in the the aerospace, nuclear, medical and automotive sectors.     


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